Fibromyalgia: Things To Consider

When I started this blog in 2016 I was suffering from massive daily pain, fatigue, brain fog and was desperate for relief. The word fibromyalgia had been thrown around in my early thirties and came up again ten years later. I fought with this idea mostly because of how it was an ambiguous “syndrome”. Even … More Fibromyalgia: Things To Consider

Article: 3 Reasons Why An Invisible Illness Is More Dangerous

Invisible illnesses can indeed be more dangerous than visible ones. This recent article posted on the Huff Post, articulates how an increased risk of suicide, judgement and prejudice from others and finally, a lack of research funding, puts those of us with invisible illnesses in danger. Read the full article here:  3 Reasons Why An Invisible … More Article: 3 Reasons Why An Invisible Illness Is More Dangerous